Tuesday, April 27, 2010

27th April Reflection

This is the 2nd lesson we started creating our music video. In the previous lesson, we chose a song that we all agreed on. However, we left out a factor that was quit important, the time. "Life is a Highway" is 5 minutes long, and to put an interesting story with different varieties might be hard, and end up plain and boring. Therefore, We chose a new song that was shorter, and more concise. This process was done in a short time, since we decided that the lyrics and the overall sound of the song wasn't the most important. The chosen song was "Someday - Nickelback)

Then we started to think of ideas, also developing on previously ideas. I tried to take more control in this lesson, and rather took charge. I tried to ask my teammates for ideas, and combining them with my own. Slowly, a storyline seemed to develop.
We tried to connect the story to a theme - the environment. We focused on the environments specifically in Hong Kong, since there has a huge variety of places that is interesting. We wrote down the different places and tried to think of a transition, or how to connect them together.
Throughout the lesson, I tried to be motivated, and keep moving on. However, there were times when we were stuck, and lacking ideas. We asked the teacher for help, and we got lots of tips and ideas.

We had an idea of what we were doing. We also went on the internet to find more inspiration, and it helped a lot. We also starting writing our script.
I was glad that we made some considerable progress this lesson. I tried to lead the group, and we tried to work efficiently.

Monday, April 26, 2010

26th April Reflection

In the last lesson, I learnt a lot more about music videos. Our ideas were shared among the class, and I also tried to contribute my ideas. I learnt even more from the others and added them to my list of requirements in a music videos. The others' opinions were very useful, as I understood more about music videos from another perspective.

Then we were divided into groups, and started to work on creating our own music video.
The first task was to pick a song. I figured that this wasn't very important, as there were lost of songs, and one wouldn't be much different from another, and it all depends on how the music is created into a music video.

However, I still tried to look for songs with a larger variety, or a subject that was relatively easier to portray. With different paces in a song, a variety of clips could be created, and thus making the video more interesting.

We figured that the best way was to divide ourselves up, and pick our own song, then we could pick them more easily. With only 4 songs at the end to choose from, we came to a conclusion easily, with agreements from the group.
After that, we immediately started brainstorming our ideas. Lots of ideas came up, and I tried to be organized, and wrote down all of them, so that we could review them later on.

23rd April Reflection

Today, we were given the task to research about music videos. The teacher wasn't here, and we didn't have a lot of guidelines.

I thought of the different elements of a music video, and according to cinematography. I immediately thought of the structure of it, how it would be narrative. Then I thought what music videos were attractive to me, then I realized it was more than basic cinematography, but rather a creative idea.

I went online and searched for different music videos. Most of the them were quite similar. It was just singers dressed in "fashionable" clothes, and dancing around singing. I wanted to look for different and creative ideas to do them. Then I found some that seemed very interesting to me. For example, some used stop-motion, and another one used a pop-up book style animation.
Then I started to realize some relations from the videos to the music, or rather, the lyrics.

The content of the video doesn't necessarily have to match the lyrics or the music, but the pace of it should be in close relation. Also, the introduction of the music video holds the key to attractiveness. The introductions the critical to grasp the audience's attention, and attracting them to be interested to see the music video.
The idea of the music video also has to be relatively creative. If it is similar to another video, it would seem boring to the audience.

However, even if the song is slow paced, the video clip shouldn't be too slow, or the video might simply seem uninteresting. A story has to be told in the short few minutes, and more content should be packed into it. Also, the basic rules of cinematography has to be obeyed, e.g. rule of thirds.