Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22nd Reflection

I missed the previous lesson, so I didn't have a chance to record my own interview. However, my partner and I had a chance to get our hands on another group's video tape.

Most of the equipment I used today was quite familiar to me, and I was fairly sure of how to operate them.
However, there were some other things that i haven't experienced before, like Final Cut Pro. I am familiar with Macintosh applications, and the interface of this fairly familiar. However, there was much more to what I know, and it made it much more complicated.
I have learnt a lot on how to operate Final Cut Pro today, but I will learn more about it when I get home. I will watch some tutorial videos to further enhance my knowledge on the program.

There were also some problems my partner and I ran into, and the problem kept occurring. We tried hard to solve it, and through multiple tries, we did solve the problem. I have learnt that I have to keep trying, ad eventually will succeed at it.

February 1st Reflection

I was introduced to something new this lesson, oral history. i enjoyed the presentation given by two representatives from the Hong Kong Heritage Group. They provided a lot of information about oral history, and key points of how to conduct it.

The concept is simple and straightforward, yet a lot of research and other various aspects are required to make an interview successful and informative. For example, the questions asked, the location, and even down to the position of the mike is crucial to a successful interview.

Oral history may be something we do when speaking with other people, especially with elderly people. We might have conversations when having a meal about their own experiences e.g. World War II. This is an event that did occur to me previously, as my grandfather talked about his experiences about eh Japanese occupation of HK, and I also asked him questions.
I found this topic very interesting, and thought it would be great if I could interview some other people, and also to record and document it.

"Quantum of Solace" Trailer

1. This trailer always gave a sense of suspense and it always drew my attention. It made me want to find out more about it all the time, as small bits of information is shown. It shows some flashes of gripping moments in the film, and draws you to the film.

2. The filmmakers started by introducing the main character slowly, and released more information about some things bit by bit. They showed some parts of the movie, fighting, thinking, shooting scenes, all drawn towards the suspense it creates. The quick transitions also provide more gripping action.

3. It starts by "I was always very interested to meet you", and this already draws you into the trailer. Then another character's voice is introduced. The film makers used a few words in between the clips to show a preview of what's to come. The language used are all keywords and key sentences from the film, yet not entirely revealing the information.

4. The trailer is very effective in that it introduces you at first, then slowly grips you with words and sentences, and finally shows very short clips from various aspects of the movie with fast transitions. This technique grabs your attention throughout, and makes the film seem very interesting.

5 Questions on HK History

Is there enough open space or green areas e.g. parks, in urban areas? Especially when HK has a high building density and heavy pollution.

Is the urban planning adequate for the rapid population growth in HK?

Are the commercial areas accessible enough to the residential areas?

Are the industrial areas or buildings with high pollution located at appropriate areas, i.e. are they too close to the urban areas?

Is the history of HK too rapidly demolished along with the development of the buildings?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

IB Learner Profile

I missed the first film lesson, and I had to catch up the homework afterwards. I asked my classmates for information on the first lesson, and also checked up files on the teacher's blog.
I am not very sure of what the IB learner profile is, even though I've heard of it in several occasions. Through reading the teacher's and other classmates' blogs, I gained much more knowledge on it.

I will incorporate the characteristics of the IB learner profile throughout the course:

When I come across something new, or I'm not familiar with, I should always ask the teacher. I should also do some independent research to gain a greater understanding. I can then apply the knowledge in class.

Through my questions and research, I can gain more knowledge and other concepts about the world. It can allow me to be open-minded, and gain a better understanding of my surroundings.

I must think carefully when coming across decisions or any problems. I have to consider all possibilities, and all ideas from others. I should analyze them, and carefully make a decision that will benefit myself and others.

There are lots of ways to communicate in film, and they are broad ideas and concept. I should communicate clearly, yet creatively. I should use a variety of methods, and try different ideas, yet not using just one method of communicating. I should also communicate well with my classmates to share my ideas and work well together.

I will take all my actions with responsibility, especially when coming across film equipment. I must return them according to the guidelines, i.e. on time, in good condition. I should also be honest in any case, and respect my classmates.

I should always keep an open-mind to accept knowledge, ideas and concepts. I can learn much more by doing this, and be more acceptive of thoughts and opinions. However, I should also keep a clear direction in my mind, not going off course too easily from the open-mindedness.

Whenever others give an idea or an opinion, I should listen and respect them, also appreciating them. I should consider each of my actions, and how they would affect the others around me.

When coming across challenges or problems, I should always stand firm, and take attempts of solving them. I will often come across unfamiliar situations, and I should learn from these situations, and to experience them. I should be clear of my objectives, and strive for them.

I should bear in mind of all the things happening in class, and out of class. I should keep a good balance of my activities, and not spending too much time on a particular factor. I should do my homework after each lesson, keeping a balanced workload.

I should always reflect on my actions, and through them, understand my strengths and weaknesses, hence learning from them. I can develop more clearly, and understanding my every step better.