Wednesday, March 24, 2010

23rd March Reflection

We encountered a problem the previous lesson, and we went to solve it right at the start of the lesson.

Through different tries from the teacher, we finally found a way to convert the file, and make it suitable and efficient for editing in Final Cut Pro.
I observed how the teacher did it closely, so I could repeat the steps afterwards. The file conversion took us some time, so the other half of the group continued on finding more footage online. They also reviewed the footage we already had, and mark down which areas we had to cut, change etc.

After the file conversion, we could finally start adding the clips into the interviews. It seemed a simple task, and I tried Final Cut Pro around myself, and I could find ways of accomplishing it myself. I understood how the program works much more, and thus allowing me to be more efficient in editing.
However, there were some problems with he video sizes, and I asked some classmates about it. Luckily, a group mate has had previously experience of this, and he taught me how to do it.
This was my first time of editing film clips, and it was very interesting to me. I have observed how the others does it previously, and so I could learnt from them, and do them myself.

I have learnt a lot about Final Cut Pro and its functions this lesson. I learnt them through asked teachers, asking classmates and by trying to figure them out myself. I have gained an interest for editing, and I enjoy the process of doing it.

The editing is almost complete and we will soon have a finalized footage.

22nd March Reflection

Our editing of the interviews were completed, only a few minor details needed to be adjusted.
Now we had to add in and edit out clips we captured previously. They were related to the context of the interview, and specifically to what the interviewees are saying.
We made a list the previous lesson of what footage we needed to capture. Even though we didn't capture all of them, we managed to complete the most important ones. I was sure and clear of what we had filmed, so the footage should be easy to edit.

However, we couldn't borrow a school film camera to record the clips. Instead, we used my own digital camera to film them. This presented a problem in converting and editing. The files that recorded the film were not meant to be edited, but more of a playback footage. I realized that a lot of the settings were different, and I didn't realize that there even were such things. I thought the matter was simple previously and everything would work normally, but it didn't.

The problem was hard to solve, as the file type wasn't suitable for editing. Through multiple tries of different methods, we still failed. Therefore, we asked the teacher for help.
While this was all going on, I realized that we didn't need all 4 group members to help solve this problem, so I asked 2 of the group members to find more footage online, edit the footage, and also find some background music. These were important things that could be done, and we could be much more efficient by splitting up the work.

The problem persisted, and we had to solve it the next lesson.

Monday, March 8, 2010

8th March Reflection

Half of the editing was completed the last lesson, and so we could do more than just editing this lesson. Also, our whole group was present, and we could divide the workload to work more efficiently.
I was in charge of thinking of ideas to interpret the film and make it more interesting. I started by searching for related photographs to the interviews. However, Ms. Wong suggested that photos wouldn't provide the same effect as film clips. And so I changed my search to film clips.

Sifting through countless numbers of clips, there were a few parts that really caught my attention. I related the clip into how I could use it for our interviews, and downloaded the clip.
By doing this activity, it further improved my ability to spot key images or clips that is related to a topic. It helped me to be more critical and alert of images and video clips.

5th March Reflection

We have captured 4 individual interviews, 2 on the colonization of Hong Kong, and 2 on the environment of Hong Kong.

The last lesson, we had lots of troubles considering Final Cut Pro and the capture feature. I learnt a lot from the problems we encountered, and I was much more familiar with the interface of Final Cut Pro. My workflow was much more fluent.
I could also capture the film easily, not many problems occurred, and the process was done quickly.

Since I already had the footage on the computer, I could start editing. This was my first try at editing on Final Cut Pro, and I had a lot to learn.
I asked my group mate to teach me the basics, and I got the hang of it quickly. It was relatively easy to do, since the filming and the interviews were done well.
One of the techniques of filming was to leave a 5 second gap at the beginning and at the end of each clip. I didn't fully understand the use of it before. However, once I had to edit them, I really saw the convenience of it.