Monday, June 7, 2010

June 7th Reflection

In this lesson, we reviewed all the music videos created by all the groups in the class.
I was very interested to see how different groups interpreted the music, and the different methods they used for making the music video.

With each video, I wrote down notes. I recorded any specific things that caught my attention, or would help me gain a better understanding of music videos. By evaluating others' videos, I could learn from them greatly, about how I could improve myself.

The most helpful part was when we watched our own music video. I also did a self-assessment. I tried to watch it as a stranger to the video, as would all other people. I did realize some mistakes by using that point of view. Through this, I understood that sometimes, we have to view things from different perspectives, so that I would gain a better understanding of them.
Also, teachers and other students gave lots of feedback and opinions to us. It as extremely useful to me. The good and bad sides of our work was clearly identified, some I was completely unaware of. I learnt a lot from their feedback, and noted them down.
I would take my understanding and apply it to future work. By doing so, I would improve bit by bit. I realized how important feedback from other people was, and that was necessary for my own improvement.

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